Monday, December 22, 2008


Jonah and new best buddy Elvis Happy together!
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spike and Snow

It's been snowing here
and Spike Loves it.

It's more fun on
the picnic table!
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Roxy was just sitting
on the sofa deep in
thought this morning,
wish I knew what she
was thinking as she sat
and stared at nothing.
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ema 8 weeks

Ema is the strong silent type
"don't touch me I'm busy"
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Frankie 8 weeks

Now that most of the
other kids are gone we
get to run around the
house a lot more often.
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Micah 8 weeks

Well really 8 1/2 now
because mom didn't
take my picture until
last night.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

What new today!

** we all received our 1st shots
** we all got our nails trimmed
** and those of us who needed it got some of the hair trimmed around the eyes

Zoi 7 weeks

I'm almost a big girl now
my ears are almost up.
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Ema 7 weeks

Everyone thinks I'm sweet
but sometimes I like to be
left alone.
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Lilly 7 weeks

How embarrassing!
Not only out of focus
but this perspective
makes me look fat. I'm
really not this fat nor is
my nose as big as it looks.
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Ogi 7 weeks

Ogi's or should I say Milo's
ears are about to take
their stand.
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Willie 7 weeks

I have come to like the
name Riley but still not
quite sure who I am.
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Out of focus AGAIN!
Wish mom would get new glasses
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Jonah 7 weeks

How's this pose guys,
don't I look cute !
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Lola 7 weeks

I'm going to have fluffy hair
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Micah 7 weeks

Just hold me, love me,
and play with me all the
time but please don't
leave me alone.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Bed

My apologies to all of you!
This week has been so hectic I did not get new pictures of the kids posted by tonight like I said I would.
I thought I would click a picture of all of them sleeping but they are quick. Before I can adjust the camera the are at my feet wanting some attention. Here's a quick pic of the not so quick ones. There are 2 large crates in the room but they all like sleeping together.
It's A Slumber Party Every Day!
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tear Stains

Update on tear staining 
Here is what I posted a few years ago and at the time I thought I was giving good advice as the product mentioned did work;
To all of you following the pictures of my Westies I thought I would include some info on tear staining and what causes it. The following link is an advertisement for one of the products my vet suggested Try to ignore the sales hype and click on frequently asked questions the info is good.
I have tried a couple of topical product but find them ineffective. I started using this product today but if it works it takes time. My vet seemed convinced that in my puppies case the cause is stress related suggesting I might have mixed the two litters together a little too soon as I did it just as they were starting to wean and cutting teeth. At any rate the problem should correct itself after they settle in their new homes long enough for new hair to grow in to replaced the stained hair.

Here are my current thoughts;
I no longer support the product mentioned above and all products that contain the antibiotic tylosin. Yes they do work but these products have been outlawed in the UK for several reasons.
I still have found no topical product to be anymore effective than washing faces everyday with warm water ( I use kangen water with a ph of 6), a little tearless shampoo, and drying completely with a little cornstarch to take away the last of the moisture, for internal use a natural product called Tearlax, and finally lots of love and chew toys to keep them calm and happy during weaning and teething as stress can cause an increase in tearing.


Guess what!
I had both ears
up for about 30
seconds yesterday.

By the way I dig
the name Milo.
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Lilly 6 weeks

I don't really look like
one of those short
legged wiener dogs.
It's all prospective.
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Jonah 6 weeks

I know yesterday I said
I was looking for a
forever home but today
Frankie and I traded
places. So take a look at
him, he's a real cool guy.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Harley 6 weeks

Hey Nicole,
sorry my picture
is not focused well
this time. Hope all
is well with you.

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Willie 6 weeks

Every once in a while
I can hold one ear all
the way up for a little
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Ema 6 weeks

Very playful
but not rowdy.
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Micah 6 weeks

I'm a sensitive guy
Mom doesn't let me nurse
constantly anymore and I
don't handle the stress
well therefore I have more
tear stains than everyone else.
The vet had a few ideas that
we're trying. Hoping something
works soon!
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Riley 6 weeks

I have a foot fetish,
I just can't resist a nibble.
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